Sphinx Units:
- Band - Meeting 1st Mondays/Rehearsals every Monday
- Chanters - At the call of the Director
- Cycle Unit - 1st Tuesdays of the month
- Directors Association - 2nd Thursdays except June, July, August, and December
- Funsters - 4th Thursday except July and August / 3rd Thursday in November and at December Ceremonial
- Highlanders Meeting - 1st Wednesday/Rehearsals every Wednesday
- Hospital Transportation - At Call of the Director
- Legion of Honor - Last Monday of Month except if it is a Holiday, then the week before / No Meetings July and August
- Motor Patrol - Practices/Work Details every Tuesday except Meeting Nights - Meeting Nights: 4th Tuesday each Month, 3rd Tuesday in November & December
- Mounted Sheiks - Quarterly Meetings - Date picked by the President
- Ritual Cast - At the call of the President
- Temple Guard - 1st Wednesdays except July and August